Indian Raj Green Sandstone: Natural Beauty, Lasting Strength

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8 months ago 21 hits ID #593


Indian Raj Green Sandstone, Your paving stones should meet the specific strength and beauty characteristics you have in mind – aesthetically attractive, sturdy, and functional. Raj sandstone is made from materials that have undergone years of sedimentation to result in a sturdy stone. These stones are then expertly cut by hand – the resultant slab is strong and can withstand pressure and any other harsh condition. The materials that produce these slabs are compacted at different depths below the earth’s surface. As such, they have different patterns. When you combine them during the installation process, you end up with a space with a unique outlook. Another important aspect of this paving slab is the underfoot grip it provides. These slabs have a comfortable texture, so you can step on it even when you’re barefoot. With this excellent grip, you can enjoy the space with your loved ones without the fear of slipping. Simply put, you can create an all-weather space. Raj sandstone paving is also ideal for all your outdoor spaces. For example, your garden remains in top shape because the slabs are strong enough to handle the traffic here. You can also have a magnificent garden that you can enjoy walking and relaxing in. For more information call us on 01772 369 007 or visit us on


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